Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Is wheat killing us?


Maybe you've heard someone say, "Well, in Asian countries they eat low fat diets and they don't have many heart attacks." This is mainly, mostly true. But interestingly, "The China Study", a recently published book by T. Colin Campbell, a leading researcher into diet and disease in China has one chapter about heart disease and it doesn't even MENTION China. How can that be? In a nutshell, Dr. Campbell is a vegan propagandist that will string together any number of flimsy correlations to support his cause, but not even he is bold enough to try to make it seem like there is a link between heart disease and animal food consumption - meat, milk and eggs - in China. Clearly, there is not.

I am fascinated by "The China Health Study". The whole thing was started in the early 1970's when the Chinese premier, Chou EnLai, was dying of cancer. He initiated a vast study correlating disease rates in China with different geographical areas, culminating in the publishing of a disease atlas of China. Later, the authors of The Study collected dietary and blood data from 65 mostly rural counties in China and correlated them with the data in the disease atlas. Then they printed the data in book form so that you can, for instance, look up myocardial infarction ( heart attack) rates, and see what foods are eaten in areas of China where people are prone to heart attacks. It is a truly epic study and I think it is far more interesting than most Western health studies because of certain factors in China:

1) The people in rural China eat what they grow, so the majority of people in the study have presumably eaten the same diet from birth to death. This contrasts with American diets which tend to change with the dietary breeze.

2) Due to wide variations in climate and therefore which crops can be grown, dietary staples differ by region. Rice is the staple in Southern China, wheat, corn and millet are staples in the middle latitudes and wheat and dairy predominate in the far North. There are pig-raising areas and sweet-potato raising areas. Therefore, we can see correlations of disease patterns among dramatically different diets.

3) There are dramatic differences in disease rates in different areas in China. The disease rates from region to region differ far more than they do in the US.

4) The authors published all of the tabulated data in a "monograph" titled, "Diet, Life-style and Mortality in China." Very few studies give you this type of unfettered access to the raw data. Usually, you only get the authors conclusions from their take on the raw data. You can probably find a copy and have a look yourself if you're REALLY interested.

The Meat of It

Unfortunately, we now have to talk about statistics for a minute. The data in the monograph is published with correlation scores between each pair of factors (like myocardial infarction and fat consumption). The scores range from -100 to 100. A score of 0 means that the two factors are completely unrelated, whereas a cc of 100 represents perfect correlation and a cc of -100 is perfect negative correlation. Come again? OK, so a cc of 100 between fish and myocardial infarction (MI) would mean that anyone who's ever tasted fish has died of a heart attack. That would be considered a "strong positive correlation". A cc of -100 would mean that no one who's tasted fish ever died of a heart attack. That's a "strong negative correlation". And a cc of 0 means that, from the perspective of MI, it made no difference whatsoever whether or not you've eaten fish (no correlation). Of course, in the real world the correlations tend to be a little more ambiguous.

OK, enough teasing. Here are the relevant correlations between dietary factors and MI:

Factors Correlated to Heart Attack Risk (MI)
FactorCorrelation ScoreSignificance
Meat Consumption-28none
Dairy Consumption6none
Rice Consumption-58Strong Negative Correlation
Wheat Consumption67Strong Positive Correlation
Other Grain Consumption39Moderate Positive Correlation
Green Vegetable Consumption5none
Blood Cholesterol4none

Whoah!! Did you catch that? I'll state it as plainly as I can:

The main dietary predictor of heart disease rates in China is the TYPE of grain you eat.

Rice eaters seem protected from heart attacks while wheat, corn and millet eaters are much more prone (the corn link is debatable). Meat, dairy and vegetable consumption play no obvious role. Blood cholesterol plays no role.

But we're not going to believe these statistics are we? Let's look at the raw data.

The first graph simply shows the raw correlation between eating grains other than rice and dying of a heart attack in China. There is a clear positive trend here. The counties with the nine highest rates of heart disease all eat more than 350 grams per day of grain other than rice. The majority of counties where more than 350 g/day of non-rice grain are eaten have a MI death rate of more than 7 per 100,000 per year whereas the majority of rice eating areas have heart disease rates of less than 4 per 100,000 per year.

A problem with any study of this magnitude is that there are so many variables. These variables are very, very tricky to tease apart, but I'll give it a go. In some areas of China, corn and millet are widely eaten. Since the link between wheat and heart disease is particularly strong, it would be interesting to see the link between rice and wheat consumption and heart disease in areas where corn and millet are not eaten. The following graph shows the relationship between wheat consumption and heart disease only in counties where they eat less than 100 grams per day of corn and millet.

Wow, no question about the correlation here!

I'm also trying to tease out the effect of fat consumption. Notice that there are three data series in the graphs. The blue diamonds represent areas where total fat consumption is less than 40 grams per day. The purple squares represent areas where fat consumption is more than 40 grams per day. If fat consumption plays a role in heart disease risk, you would expect to see the purple squares a little higher than the blue diamonds, on average. But as you can see, this is not the case, suggesting that it doesn't matter how much fat is eaten; in China, the more wheat you eat the greater your risk of heart disease, regardless of fat consumption.

The final data point, the yellow triangle, is Tuoli county, where 186 grams of fat are eaten per day, mostly from dairy and meat. If dietary fat plays a role in heart disease risk in China, you would expect that point to be elevated far above the others. It is not. Which brings me to my next topic.

The Forgotten Ones

There are populations in China in and around the steppe whose diets are more American than here in the good ole US of A. They eat wheat, dairy products and meat. And nothing else. You can read about some of them here, but I'll give you this quote as a prelude:

"The vegetables were, incidentally, an accommodation to the visiting lowlander. Self-respecting nomads don't eat plants; it's just not their place on the food chain."

I don't think the people studied in the China Health Study are actually nomadic, but they eat far more saturated fat than we do in America - most of it from dairy and meat. Yet, as you can see by the location of the yellow triangle in the graph, their rates of heart disease seem to be determined solely by how much wheat they eat.

Why do I refer to them as the forgotten ones? In this interview, Dr. campbell had this to say, "Firstly, the kind of diet that was consumed in China is very low in total fat. The range was between 6-24% of calories, for example, whereas in this country the range is more of the order of the high 20s-high 40s. " Actually, the fat content of the diet of the people of Tuoli, according to Dr. Campbell's study, was 45%. Has he forgotten them? My guess is that he simply prefers not to think about them. They don't support his views, you see.

Here's a table comparing three wheat eating areas and the Chinese averages. I have picked three areas with extreme diets to prove my point. The first is Longxian county, the area of China with the highest wheat consumption and below average meat and vegetable consumption, a very tedious diet by American standards. The next is Tuoli, where wheat is eaten along with large portions of meat and dairy but no vegetables. This area represents the stereotypical american diet. The final is Jingxing, an essentially vegan area where they eat a variety of grains other than rice and gorge themselves on green vegetables. Jingxing had by far the highest consumption of green vegetables of any county in this study. I suppose it represents the ideal vegan diet of low fat consumption with lots of vegetables and grains (except rice).

Three Chinese Counties
LongxianTuoliJingxingChinese Median
Rice Cons (g/day)03.96.1398
Wheat (g/day)62937212622.4
Other Grain (g/day)75.16.8342.11.1
Meat (g/day)6.1121020.3
Dairy (g/day)085700
Green Veg (g/day)36.3069176.8

As you can see, Tuoli county had the lowest levels of heart disease and stroke (which is also correlated with wheat consumption) of the three. The three counties followed the general trend:

In China, the more non-rice grain you eat, the higher your risk of heart disease (and stroke). Eating meat, dairy and vegetables don't affect your risk.


Correlation does not imply causation. What this study does NOT tell us is that wheat categorically causes heart disease. It tells us that there is something different about wheat eating people in China that predisposes them to heart disease, which may or not be the wheat itself. For instance, in the study the number of times per year than one ate green vegetables had a strong negative correlation with heart disease risk while the number of times per year that one ate carrots had a strong positive correlation correlation. Should we conclude from this that green vegetables prevent heart disease while carrots cause it? No. First off, the actual amounts of carrots or green vegetables consumed have no correlation with heart disease risk. These two parameters are actually telling us about the length of the growing season in an area. In the South, green vegetables can be grown for more of the year, while in the North carrots have to be grown since they can be kept in a root cellar during the longer winter. Rice growing is confined to the warmer South. So the reason that there is a strong correlation between how often you eat carrots and heart disease risk is that carrots are eaten in wheat growing areas. Wheat is the REAL correlation.

But if you want to show that wheat is really the cause of elevated heart disease risk and not just a marker for something else, you have to look a little deeper. And in China, there are a whole bunch of differences between wheat and rice eating peoples. Wheat eating people are taller and heavier. They tend to have higher levels of blood triglycerides, associated with increased risk of heart disease in the US, and sex hormone-binding globulin(shbg), which the authors of the study claim is a sensitive indicator of insulin resistance. Cholesterol levels were the same in both populations. Wheat eaters had lower levels of monounsaturated fats (like in olive oil) in their blood cell membranes and higher levels of omega 6 fats (like in soybean oil).

So a reasonable possibility, based on the triglyceride and shbg data is that eating wheat and certain other grains leads to insulin resistance, which is associated with increased heart disease risk. But the really interesting thing is why that should be. Why does eating wheat, but not rice, seemingly lead to insulin resistance in China? I don't know. That, my friends, is the million dollar question that we should be asking but aren't.

Where is T. Colin Campbell on this? He doesn't even MENTION the fact in his book! It's not like he didn't notice. His name is on the paper about it from 1996. The only reasonable explanation is that Dr. Campbell is more interested in pushing his agenda than on doing good science.

East and West

Might the difference between heart disease levels in Asia and Western countries be explained by the fact that Western peoples eat more wheat and Asian peoples eat more rice? Maybe partially. It's important to note that even in wheat eating areas of China, heart disease levels were still below those of Western countries.

If the causal link does indeed turn out to be insulin resistance, then there is one other major dietary difference that ought to be noted. In China, virtually no sugar is eaten, so there is nowhere in this study where the carbohydrate intake is similar to the US. In the US, we eat about the same amount of white wheat flour and sugar (or high fructose corn syrup) and not much else as far as carbs. In China they eat rice or wheat or maybe rice and millet or corn and wheat but never wheat and sugar. What if they did?


In China, the main predictor of heart disease rates in a given population is how much wheat flour (and other grains except rice) that population eats. The consumption of vegetables or animal products doesn't play an obvious role in heart disease rates. Tuoli county, where they eat far more saturated fat than in the US, had far less heart attack deaths than the US and no more heart attack deaths than you would suspect based on the amount of wheat they consume compared to their Chinese Colleagues.

A Few Notes

A couple more notes. Sweet potatoes, widely eaten in China, had a neutral effect on heart disease risk.

Apparently, in China, they eat mainly white flour and white rice, so this probably isn't a whole grain versus processed grain issue, although you could argue that the wheat, being ground into flour, is more processed than the whole white rice.

The study didn't publish any figures on physical activity, but it is clear that the Chinese get more physical activity and are less overweight than their Western counterparts. This is interesting in that it may help explain the overall differences between Asia and Europe, but I don't think it affects the relationship between wheat or meat and heart disease. I have no reason to believe that rice eaters got more physical activity than wheat eaters or that meat eaters had more physical activities than non meat eaters.

Some notes about comparing CHD rates in China and Europe/US. The statistics in this paper are done in a much different manner than are the CHD statistics available from the British Hearty Foundation, so the numbers in this article and "The Axis of Paradox" are not comparable. Not being a statistician, I'm not really sure how these CHD rates compare to the ones in Europe, but I'll trust Dr. Campbell on this issue that the areas with the highest CHD levels in China are still lower than European levels. One probable reason for that is that the Chinese life expectancy is significantly shorter than the European life expectancy and the leading causes of death in this study were infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. But you have to die of something, so presumably if infectious diseases in China were cured, life expectancy rates would increase and more people would die of heart attacks.

The Chinese in this study died much more frequently of strokes than heart attacks, which is common in Asian countries. In Asia it is considered honorable to die of a stroke but dishonorable to die of a heart attack, so the bias of the doctors when the cause of death is in doubt in to call it a stroke rather than a heart attack. Presumably the bias of Western doctors is the opposite. I have no idea if there is a real difference where Asians have more strokes and Westerners have more heart attacks (I presume there is), but it's interesting food for thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few points which may be key to working out this China thing:

Unless prepared correctly grains and legumes contain phytic acid which combines with key minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc and prevents their absorption in the intestinal tract.

I do wonder whether all of the flour in China was being eaten WHITE or whether really they were eating a lot of it whole wheat.

The phytic acid is contained in the bran, so perhaps one thought might be that the phytic acid in whole wheat flour prevents absorption of many nutrients in a meal, whereas white rice, which does not have phytic acid, does not cause this problem, and hence other nutrients in the meal are utilised as normal, hence leading to the link between flours and CHD, and the higher amount of phytic acid in wheat flour versus other flours accounting for the greater link. Possible I'd say, but you'd need to check this out.

Grains/legumes either need to be soaked for 6-8 hours in salt or using some acidic medium such as whey, or sprouted, in order to neutralise the phytic acid and render them digestible.

Many grains used to sprout before or during the old fashioned harvesting processes. Now, in our industrialised age, stuff doesnt get the opportunity, and if it does, its seen as inferior due to shelf life.

Sure, whole-wheat stuff is more healthy, if prepared correctly. Or else I contend that it is more dangerous than white flour (which has its bran, and hence phytic acid removed)! (Definitely not more nutritious than sprouted/properly prepared whole wheat however.)

I wouldnt think that heart disease would be caused purely by lack of enzymes in white flour and white rice, as the food eaten with it probably has enzymes that help out, and the data shows less CHD in the rice eating population despite it being white rice. It has to be some blocking action - phytic acid?....

Second thought is that during modern flour processing high-speed mills run very hot, at 400F, just under the temperature that would burn and discolor the flour. This is bad because of the oils contained in grains. I wonder whether the heating of these oils during this process causes the conversion of some of them to dangerous trans fats, of which there is definitely correlation to heart disease/sclerotic lesions.

In any case I wonder if the oils in grains are really heat stable at 400F, and whether this has some adverse affect on them.

Of course it could be a combination of the oils and the phytate theory in combination.

I would also be looking at the different fats used in different parts of China. I bet they are using a lot more soybean, canola and other vegetable oils, and possibly lots of margarine too.

Another high possibility is that excess consumption of omega 6 oils from the flour and possibly their choice of fats, has thrown off that important omega 6:3 ratio...

Apologies on the long post but hope it poses some possible answers or at least areas to investigate.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the whole article again and another thought hit me: based on the Three Chinese Counties study, could it be that in people eating wheat that those eating animal fats as well REDUCE their risk for stroke and CHD?

Makes sense to me because of the increased fat soluble vitamins A D E K they'd be getting...

10:17 PM  
Blogger Brad Marshall said...

The bottom line is that in looking at the high fat and low fat data series on the CHD graphs, I don't see any difference between the two. So no, I don't think it's fair to say that fat or meat either prevents or causes heart disease in China.

You CAN make the argument that in Tuoli, if they ate less meat and dairy they would eat more wheat and CHD rates might go up. But this is really due to the wheat, not the meat.

Also, I wouldn't make TOO much out of the "three counties study". It is what it is. I added it to show the extremes whereas the graphs are better at showing the general trends (more data points) .

The Chinese in the study use very few added fats. Probably low enough amounts to make them somewhat irrelevent 2.6 g/day in Jingxing, 7.8 grams in Longxian and none in Tuoli. The study doesn't mention margarine, but I would guess they use none.

And my understanding is that they largely use white flour and rice and I don't know how it's milled.

In terms of minerals and vitamins, wheat eaters tend to have higher plasma levels of copper, iron and gamma-tocopherol - a from of vitamin e. Rice eaters had less plasma minerals and vitamin e levels generally.


11:40 PM  
Blogger Candy Minx said...

Excellent stuff Brad. Of course wheat is yucky.

Why not just eat the good stuff...meat, eggs, berries, fish, cabbage family(brocoli, kale, cauliflower).

I remember one episode of That 70's Show and the father is put on a diet. His wife brings him his dinner and its grains. She says "eat your food" he says" thats not food, thats what food eats."

I've never understood why people who are free want to eat prison food(noodles, wheat, rice, bread).

Love this blog, love it that you are an organic farmer....I guess that makes me one of your customers.

i was so surprised when i came to Chicago to visit my boyfriend and found out that Illinois lets people put rBSt in the dairy products. Fortunately it is easy to find lots of organic food in the stores.

In Canada(where I grew up) its against the law to use rBST.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this particularly interesting and of relevance because based on my empirical (and admitedly questionable)evidence wheat seems to be causing more and more problems in people certainly in the U.S. or perhaps people are just starting to focus on wheat as the possible cause of problems they have had life-long.

In my particular case, I have Celiac Disease, an auto-immune condition that causes an extreme response to the grass grains, those being wheat, rye and barley. Celiac Disease only 10 years ago in the U.S. was thought to occur in 1 in 3,000 people. The current estimate based on random blood sampling, looking for specific anti-bodies released by the body in someone who ingests these grains and has Celiac Disease is 1 in 150, officially removing this disease from the CDC list of rare diseases and making it more common than most other highly publicized and long-thought predominant auto-immune diseases.

I guess the bright side for me is that since I haven't eaten wheat for 10 years, I won't ever get a heart-attack, right? :-)

Steve in Chicago, IL U.S.A.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad, you wrote:

"If the causal link does indeed turn out to be insulin resistance, then there is one other major dietary difference that ought to be noted. In China, virtually no sugar is eaten, so there is nowhere in this study where the carbohydrate intake is similar to the US. In the US, we eat about the same amount of white wheat flour and sugar (or high fructose corn syrup) and not much else as far as carbs. In China they eat rice or wheat or maybe rice and millet or corn and wheat but never wheat and sugar. What if they did?"

Information from sources such as Dr. Joseph Mercola (www.mercola.com) would say plainly that "refined" wheat products convert to sugar in the body rapidly. This would seem to explain the correlation of greater heart disease in primarily wheat-eating regions of China. Given the fact that the USA diet is also high in refined wheat consumption but also very high in refined sugar consumption, the fact that western heart disease rates are much higher than those of the east would seem to be explained by the increase in sugar intake (through the addition of pure sugar alongside processed wheat products). I would suspect that this is an issue of insulin resistance. It is suspected, according to mercola.com, that a quite large percentage of those in the USA are at least pre-diabetic. As of a CBS News report (http://sites.mercola.com/2004/may/15/diabetes.htm) on April 29th, 2004, the number of pre-diabetics in the US (doubling from two years prior - thus it has likely increased dramatically since then) was about 41 million.

4:57 AM  
Blogger Kim Gray said...

Everything you have posted reflects the independent conclusions I have come to re: diet and my family.

Some years ago we did a Total Elimination Diet in sheer desperation to eliminate food as an issue for my son who had been quite ill for three years.

The results were astonishing, as we really expected to find nothing re: food:

Gluten = biggest, baddest food of all

Wholegrains = second bad (even wholegrain rice)

Dairy = second biggest set of reactions in our 'normal' child and myself (who has been considered fairly healthy throughout most of my life)

And more... http://sensitivecanadian.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html

Thanks for doing all this research on diet in China... It's cleared up a lot of what I was wondering about their 'meatless' diet there considering the research in the high meat diet of the Inuit seemed to go against everything I had read about the 'vegetarian' Chinese diet.

That said, I do know people who (probably enzyme deficiency related) should not eat meat because it makes them feel ill.

Your article really strengthens the conclusions that I've come to over the years of research I've had to do on my own. "Stick to what makes you feel good and doesn't reap any immediate or delayed negative responses."

Thanks for the great information and article!

Kind regards,

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog very interesting.
I'm a vegetarian(for spiritual reasons, I don't think eating meat is bad for health in particular) who is gluten free and has been for some time. I don't eat meat but I do eat organic cage free eggs and some organic dairy.

It makes sense to me that wheat is completely toxic. It's something the general population is definitely not ready to believe, especially since "whole grain healthy!" has been pushed on us for some time by the media. I think its a big lie to keep the people down but thats just the conspiracy theorist in me. ;)

I was sick my entire life. Horrible mental health issues (depression, anxiety) I was constantly broken out in hives all over my body, allergic to everything, I suffered bouts of awful psoriasis, was covered in acne, my joints hurt, I was constantly sick, I could go on and on.

I finally discovered wheat in my diet was killing me. It had never even been suggested to me by doctors that gluten could be a problem. Its disgusting. I dont go to doctors anymore. I got into alternative health and began learning things for myself.

I'm particularly sensitive to wheat, but I don't think its GOOD for anyone.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Lizi said...

Any chance I could get an email address so that I could talk to you directly? Our company, Balancepoint Health, has a diet protocol that eliminates grains completely. Cholesterol-lowering results as well as the reduction in other inflammatory ailments are extraordinary. We have been looking at the Diet, Lifestyle, and Mortality in China book and have been curious about getting access to the database that contains the study results. In your research, did you come across this database? If you'd like to respond by email my address is liziw7@gmail.com. Thanks.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having eaten real a real Chinese diet - not the American version of it - it has first a lot of meat - fish, Eggs, pork, and foul. The vegetables tend to be fibrous and non starchy.

The rice eaten in Asia is also different than what you find here. It is much harder and lower glycemic than the gooey rice found in the USA. It is often eaten as fried rice - where a lot of the calories come from oil. It is also most often eaten with meat and fiber containing vegetables which reduces the glycemic index of the meal even further. Yes, rice has a lot of carbs, but they way it is eaten reduces the impact. It is also true that there are a lot of Asians with diabetic problems - my wife included.

Rice from earlier times was less starchy and more fibrous. There is nothing natural about modern rice as a food. (Most modern vegetables little resemble the vegetables that early man ate - and it appears early man - while an omnivore - ate little in the form of vegetables. A vegan diet is not at all a natural diet.

2:41 PM  
Blogger RichMark said...

"You can probably find a copy and have a look yourself if you're REALLY interested."

OK. I read Taubes' recent book


about scientists and their diets and was motivated to look for myself. Here is what I see in the data.

I correlated M067 "VASC-STRc"
against these "selected items"
(bad to good)

Rank Name Description
39.9 D038 WHTFLOUR
21.6 P016 LYCOPENE
18.8 R009 14:0
14.4 D018 Ca
-7.4 P029 INORG-P
-12 D148 %18:3
-22.3 D003 TOTPROT

Then using this correlation
I ran a check on the food items,
ranking them by adjectives.



D050 RED MEAT pork, beef, mutton




Taubes' book passes the test.

Linus Pauling might have liked to see Vitamin C and Lysine ranked a bit higher, but I was impressed.

Since the original Blog was posted, the CDC has found that Folate enrichment of US bread has dropped heart disease and stroke over 3% per year. China also added folate to their wheat flour and their heart disease rates are also falling.

Poor Campbell.
This study is a vegan's nightmare.

11:03 PM  
Blogger RichMark said...

This dataset is additive.

Here is an analysis of all vascular disease by blood factors. This doesn't address what you say you are eating so much as what's in your blood from what you ate.

Again, rather than show numbers, I have ranked things from GOOD to BAD.

Higher HDL is a good blood factor(no surprise there). Protein is good, and Folate shows up as a good thing to have (un enriched wheat flour depletes folate). This is all consistent with the previous observation that wheat flour is driving heart disease and a meat based diet is good.

What I find here that is new is the the blood factors that show up as BAD include LYCOPENE, PHYTOFLUENE and PHYTOENE.

The obvious inference is that the second worse thing to eat for heart disease is TOMATOES.

Go figure.



P036 1989 GLUCOSE



12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who smoke have more risk of heart attacks than non-smokers do. Due to smoking, the arteries become hard which can block the flow of blood from the heart. This results in a possible heart attack. Doctors can treat his problem by performing bypass surgery, which may be a risky affair for a patient. http://www.chantixhome.com/

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who follows the paleo diet, I obviously feel vindicated by your correlations with wheat. The fact that rice doesn't seem to have the same problems is interesting.

I would note, though, that diet may not be the only issue; as you point out, wheat might be serving as a marker for something else. There's one obvious thing it's a marker for in this study: climate. It's possible that heart attacks are more likely in colder climates, and it would even be expected that deaths from infectious diseases would be higher in warmer climates, thus displacing heart disease deaths. Are there enough data to filter out these possibilities?

2:33 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...


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6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you said it yourself already: wheat in the colder north, rice in the warmer south.

Is it just climate, and not diet at all?

Does the heart work harder in the cold? Do you digest more from food in the cold? Is your body turning over more metabolic junk in the cold?

7:21 PM  
Blogger Kim Gray said...

No climate is not the answer. There are too many obese people in cold climate nations. E.g. Northern U.S. and Northern Canada.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The China study is an antithesis to some universal facts. I was surprised with the results - that grains are positively correlated to heart problems and that meat is showing no correlation at all. I don't know if how dietitians and nutritionists in the US would react to that. That was just the China study anyway, a meta-analysis would soon be better.

1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who are annoyed by Linda's spammy self-promotion can call her at (925) 855-0150 and ask her to stop.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Joe Anderson said...

The phytic acid "thing" definitely has an impact based on scientific evidence of the mineral chelation.
The thing that probably plays most strongly into heart attack rates in China vs US is the fructose consumption. Uniquely, fructose, a plant sugar we are poorly adapted to eat, appears to play a leading role in promoting atherosclerosis, central obesity and many other age-related chronic diseases. The Chinese have exceptionally low fructose consumption, eating almost no fruit or other sources, on the order of 2.5 g/day (1/2 teaspoon) maximum while in the US it is more like 85 g/day (20 teaspoons)average. Fructose is not an explicit variable in the China Health Study so I had to estimate the amounts from other factors but there is no doubt it is under 4 grams/day (1 teaspoon). Fructose has ~10X the chemical activity of glucose, so is a very potent glycator, generator of reactive oxygen species and, through binding with RAGEs, very proinflammatory. It is even active enough to cleave proteins, including DNA.

3:26 AM  
Anonymous auto insurance quotes said...

This is an eye openning study. Maybe the best way of settling the issue of rice or wheat is to study two countries with similar diets but one prodominantly eat rice and the other wheat. A study between South Korea and Italy for example could be quite reveling.

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Nice post and knowledgeable collection o data about the consumption of food grain It is great to visit here and get lot of awesome information.Thanks for sharing it.

3:37 AM  
Blogger Godi said...

After just reading the first few sentences of this entry, I beg to disagree. Most Asian countries these days have a lot of families living under the poverty line. Since most of them can't afford to buy most kinds of foods, they resort to something simple like rice and dried fish and dried fish is salty. when you eat salty foods, you get hypertension which could lead to heart attack.

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10:50 PM  
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10:50 AM  
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10:51 AM  
Anonymous Herbalextract said...

Nice post,thank you for share this information.

5:46 AM  
Blogger Godi said...

Although geographical locations can also affect people with regards to diseases, the main culprit why we can have cancer and other health problems is because of the food we eat. But then, again, if you adapt a healthy lifestyle, your food will also be your medicine. If you eat in excess or adapt an unhealthy diet, they can also kill you.


10:28 PM  
Anonymous Writing Services said...

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3:53 AM  

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